10 May, 2019 Sun Fook Kong Invites HSBC Insurance (Asia) to hold a Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions (TVC) Talk
To encourage the public to save early for retirement, the legislation has been passed to provide tax incentives for scheme members to make tax deductible voluntary contributions (TVC) starting from 1 April 2019. In order to help our staff to have a better understanding of TVC’s application procedure and details, Sun Fook Kong had invited HSBC Insurance (Asia) Limited to hold a Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions (TVC) talk on 6 May and 10 May respectively.
As a Family-Friendly Employer, our employees’ benefit is one of the most important elements. We will keep building a happy work environment and support our employees in the future.
The presenters of HSBC Insurance (Asia) explained the Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions (TVC) to Sun Fook Kong staff